
MAVRI: The National Accelerator of Biomedical Research in Israel

MAVRI, is a pioneering national program designed to transform the landscape of Israeli human health and disease research, with the aim of advancing biomedical research in Israel. MAVRI reinforces the integration of clinical practice and research by providing comprehensive research grants, robust career paths for Physician-Scientists, research training for physicians and the establishment of a thriving human health research network.

MAVRI is a unique collaboration between the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council of Higher Education (VATAT) and the Ministry of Health, and philanthropic bodies  – Yad Hanadiv and the Klarman Family Foundation –  as well as close partnerships with Israel’s Medical Association and 8400 The Health Network.

Our Vision & Mission

MAVRI was founded with a vision to leverage Israel’s unique talent and reinforce human-oriented basic and translational biomedical research in Israeli universities and medical centers, through:

  • 1

    Supporting human-oriented biomedical research in both academic and medical centers, based on excellence, through international peer review

  • 2

    Providing earmarked support for the career development of the physician-scientist thus enabling dedicated time for cutting-edge research

  • 3

    Enhancing academic-clinical research collaborations

  • 4

    Creating a community that connects people and institutions, based on open data sharing in Israel and beyond

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    Enhancing communication across the Israeli healthcare system, academia, and biomedical industry, thereby strengthening the economy at large

The Team

The Israel Science Foundation

The ISF is responsible for the program design and operation, starting from the call for proposals according to guidelines and criteria in line with the Steering Committee (SC) and the SAC’s advice. Based on these guidelines, the ISF has created an independent, high-quality, anonymous evaluation process that follows the guidelines and criteria as described in the call for proposals. The ISF is responsible for the final selection of the grantees.

Prof Benny Geiger
Program Head

Prof Benny Geiger

Prof Benny Geiger

[email protected]

Dr. Ayelet Zamir
Scientific Director

Dr. Ayelet Zamir

Dr. Ayelet Zamir

[email protected]

The MAVRI Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

The SAC is chaired by the MAVRI Program Head and includes several senior international scientists (including physician-scientists) in fields relevant to biomedical research.

The SAC advises on scientific questions arising from the program, including the desired scope of various grant tracks, proposal guidelines, criteria, identifying new scientific areas relevant to the program, advising on scientific partnership opportunities, and ethical considerations. The SAC also reviews and analyzes the program’s impact. And provides independent feedback on the program’s value and impact.

Professor Dr. Herbert Jäckle
Chair of the ISF SAC

Professor Dr. Herbert Jäckle

Professor Anna Greka
(member of the ISF SAC) Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Professor Anna Greka

Professor Mary-Claire King
University of Washington, USA

Professor Mary-Claire King

Professor Ken Smith
University of Cambridge

Professor Ken Smith

Professor Dr. Heyo Kroemer
Charite- University Hospital, Berlin

Professor Dr. Heyo Kroemer

The MAVRI International Advisory Committee (IAC)

The MAVRI International Advisory Committee (IAC) is chaired by Dr. Harvey Fineberg and includes senior international scientists and physician-scientists relevant to MAVRI.

The IAC will advise the MAVRI Steering Committee and programme leaders on scientific matters arising  from the programme, including identifying the desirable scope of the various grant tracks, new scientific areas relevant to the programme and partnership opportunities; strengthening the Physician-Scientist career path; evaluation; and handling policy-related and ethical considerations.

Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg
Chair of the International Advisory Committee

Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg

Professor, Dr Herbert Jäckle
Chair of the ISF Scientific Advisory Committee

Professor, Dr Herbert Jäckle



Professor Cigall Kadoch
Associate Professor, Paediatric Oncology, Harvard Medical School, and Epigenomics Programme Co-Director, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Professor Cigall Kadoch

Professor Marcel Levi, MD PhD

Professor Marcel Levi, MD PhD

Professor Anna Greka
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Professor Anna Greka

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